DFAO Board Meeting (Zoom)

Holiday Inn Portland – Columbia Riverfront 909 N Hayden Island Dr, Portland, OR, United States

zoom link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81544511191?pwd=zSwBYsXsGTDufzGhobTMCPQNcaB5ji.1 We need to officially confirm Jason Gretton as the show chair for the next two years and appoint an assistant show chair (see DFAO Policy below) We need to discuss whether to get a Zoom account for the club (Chris Levy will research the Zoom account and report.) Jana Carraway and Jason […]

DFAO Board Meeting (Zoom)


Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/91621866121?pwd=RVZYOFAvYlhEb0RZU1g1U25GMmZrdz09 Meeting ID: 916 2186 6121 Passcode: DFAO

DFAO Board Meeting (Zoom)


Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/98800953741?pwd=OFU3WGVKK2dveU53MjEraHRoanR6dz09 Meeting ID: 988 0095 3741 Passcode: DFAO

DFAO Board Meeting (Zoom)

